In our small service all of these positions are held by the same person. Rachael Woolhouse holds a Bachelor of Early Childhood Education and has been with the Moulamein PreSchool Inc since 2018 filling these roles. Rachael is a passionate advocate for child led learning and has built many strong relationships within the community.


Jessica Treloar has been with the Preschool since 2019. She is committed to ensuring all children feel included and valued within the program and is enthusiastic in her engagement of current and future students.


Shantal Sherman has been employed in the position of Business Manager/Bookkeeper since 2019. She is a strong promoter of country communities being afforded the same quality of facilities as their city counterparts. She assists the committee in their compliance roles and helps to keep the paperwork on track so our Educators can do what they do best, engage with the children.

Meet our Management Committee for 2022/2023

Interested in joining the committee?

The committee is an essential part of our service. It is also very rewarding, you can help shape the direction of the service, learn valuable skills and most of all have fun. If you are interested in joining the committee please speak to one of our friendly staff, current committee members or email