Moulamein Preschool Philosophy

Moulamein Pre School is committed to providing high quality care and education for young children and their families.


We believe all children are unique and special. We will respect and value each child’s individuality and nurture their self-esteem and self-confidence. We will encourage their personal and social development; foster a sense of belonging to the group and guide them in their interactions with others.

We believe that Early Childhood is a significant period of a child’s life and is a time for fun, play, adventure, imagination, exploration and discovery. We will facilitate learning by providing time, materials, space and encouragement, allowing children to follow their interests and develop their ideas and understandings. We will support children to become competent learners who are actively involved, solve problems and work out issues for themselves. 


We believe play is the foundation for children’s learning and development. We will provide a play-based program that is developmentally appropriate, engaging and stimulating, and supports the children’s individual strengths and needs.

Observations and reflections will guide the program, and each child’s intellectual, creative, social, emotional, physical and language development will be nurtured through a balance of planned activities, exploratory play and group experiences.

The program will be inclusive and provide equitable opportunities regardless of gender, ethnicity, ability or background. 


We believe all interactions with children should be warm and responsive – providing encouragement, stimulation and support. 

Through careful observations and reflections, we will plan a program of learning experiences to foster children’s development based on The Early Years Learning Framework of Australia. Our teaching practices will include a range of techniques (such as questioning, scaffolding, intentional teaching, modelling and suggestion) to enhance opportunities for children’s learning.

We will work together to uphold standards and support one another to develop professionally through reflective practice and ongoing learning.


We believe the Preschool environment should be welcoming and inviting. We will provide a safe, happy and nurturing environment that is positive and stimulating, providing opportunities to explore, discover, imagine, experiment and interact.

We will foster an appreciation and respect for the natural environment and encourage children to care for it.       


We believe families are children’s first and most influential educators. We will develop respectful, positive relationships between families and staff, through open communication and will promote participation and involvement in the Preschool program.

Through working in partnership with families we strive to achieve positive outcomes for all.


* Our philosophy is based on The Early Childhood Association Code of Ethics; The National Quality Standards and The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia – Belonging, Being and Becoming 2009.